Hail Insurance Quote Request

Hail Insurance

For the 2022 growing season, CO-OP Hail Insurance is available for FNA Members located in Saskatchewan. At this time, options are not available for Alberta and Manitoba.


Providing more value for our Members, FNA has offered a hail insurance alternative in Manitoba and Saskatchewan for over ten years through Co-operative Hail Insurance. Don’t leave your investment to Mother Nature! Get peace of mind with Co-op Hail Insurance through Farmers of North America.


For the last four years, Co-op Hail paid out “Co-op Dividends” of 5% to its Members! Join the growing number of farmers in Saskatchewan who look to Co-op Hail Insurance for competitive rates, prompt settlement, member dividends and a 15% harvest allowance.After submitting this form an FNA representative will contact you with your hail insurance quote. You can submit up to 20 at a time.

Required Information

To serve you best, you'll need to let us know how to contact you.
The membership number you were issued when you joined FNA
Landline or cell, whichever is the easiest way to reach you.
In case we need to share important information with you.
The name of the town or city where your mail is delivered.
How are you connected to the crops you want to insure?

Total insured


Maximum of 20 Item - set by the maxItems item